Photograph, Scan & Edit

Bring new life to old memories with photo restoration.

Create new & multiple copies of art with reproduction.

Restoration and reprinting often begins with scanning. Larger & three-dimensional valuables will be photographed. You keep the digital file for sharing & future edits.

Photo Creating & editing services PRICES



individually done with basic dust clean-up & color adjustments; .jpeg or .tiff.

original size (print; film)$ ea.
3.5×5, 4×6; 35mm/120 frame or slide5
5×7; 4×5 sheet, 1 film strip, 2-5 slides10
8×8/10; 3 film strips20
8×12, 10×10, 11×14; 35mm roll , 120 roll, 6-24 slides30
12×12; 220 film roll50
25+ slides1.50
we customize to you

Scan Storage Policy

Scans will be retained for 3 months. Please download your scans !

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is LRS-web-sp-22-1-5-1024x296.jpg
scan of Frances Stillwells’ ‘Basque’ oil painting, 1998
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is LRS-c41-1.jpg
color film, ready to scan